Lapis Caeli

Canon/Canon-divergent themed ZhongChi Free Zine

Lapis Caeli

Lapis Caeli is a FREE zine based on a canon/canon divergent theme centered around the romantic relationship between Zhongli and Tartaglia (Childe), also known as ZhongChi. The zine is focused on providing high-quality accessible works that do not place any limits on the creator, featuring three sections: A SFW Zine, A NSFW Zine, and a zine featuring works considered Dead Dove

Meet the Team

Head Mods

Communication Mods

Design Mods

Writer Mods

The Zines

If you click on or share the following files and links, then you confirm that you or the person you are sharing this to is 18+ and consents to viewing NSFW and Dead Dove Content.
The PDFs all have clickable links in the following areas:
- Disclaimer Page
- Table of Contents
- Title and Tag Page
- Credits





There are some writers and artists that wish to remain anon within the zine. To respect this we would like to ask everyone to please keep their guesses to themselves unless the creator wishes to de-anon themselves at a later point.

